XtraTec is conveniently located close to several motorways, enabling Field Technicians to reliably travel anywhere in the UK to perform professional in-situ materials testing services for civil engineering or construction projects.

Convenient On-Site Testing

Field Technicians provide convenient on-site testing, providing independent assessments on a varied range of construction materials, whether that’s aggregates, soils, or concrete. Collecting samples and undertaking in-situ testing on any site.

Coring for Samples

In-situ materials testing services

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California Bearing Ratio (CBR) by Plate Bearing

To inform road and pavement design on site the CBR value determines the mechanical strength of highway sub-bases and subgrades.

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Incremental Plate Loading

To ensure any working platforms are safe and meet all safety criterial, incremental plate loading finds the maximum bearing capacity of the soil and rocks beneath the area of upcoming site works.

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In-Situ Density (SRD)

Using various techniques including the sand replacement method, core cutter method and the dielectric method, In-situ testing can test highways and pavement designs by estimating the relative density of base course or subgrade materials.

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Soil/Aggregate Sampling

The importance of soils and aggregates sampling will help avoid resting building foundations on poor soil or at an inadequate depth. Aggregate sampling ensures good quality aggregates are being used.

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Concrete Sampling

Field Technicians will undertake a variety of tests to ensure fresh or cored concrete has the required strength and durability required for the site. Tests include composite and spot sampling, slump, slump flow, and air content.

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Texture Depth

Sand patch and volumetric methods measure texture depth and roughness for highways works. Calculating skid resistance on roads and runway surfaces.

Get in Touch

XtraTec can offer a wide variety of testing services to UKAS testing certification as well non accredited testing in XtraTec laboratories for civil engineering and construction projects.

Why not get in touch to discuss this further?

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